Succeeding at Business Transformation
Set yourself up for success
Leading a Business transformation is complex. Have you asked yourself these questions?
“Most business transformations fail -why will mine be any different?”
“My business transformation is really complex -where do I start?”
“How do I lead this work at the same time as having my “day job? as a CFO, COO, CIO…”
“What support do I need to successful? ”
“How do I ensure alignment between corporate success and personal success?”
I’ve asked myself these questions and offer some thoughts.
Focus on Inputs, Effort and Outputs
There is no silver bullet to business transformation (I wish there were). Success is predicated on a deep understanding of the organization, how the transformation provides value to its stakeholders, and measuring success along the way. Focusing on inputs, effort, and outputs is one way (there are many) to guide you. Explore the links below for a more detailed look.
Successful business transformations require experience, effort and proven methodologies, individually important and collectively essential.
The optimal combination of inputs (people, process, and technology) is unique to each project. No silver bullet here.
Upfront planning is essential but needs to be adapted as the situation evolves (it always does).
Success is all about people -focus on them continually.
Technology transformations are less about technology and more about people and processes. Without the right people and processes your “technology project” will likely fail.
Commercial off the shelf software (COTS) works -its how your people configure it for your business that is the challenge.
From my view
Leading a business transformation is a daunting and often lonely task. For me, collaboration is the most important thing to establish and demonstrate every day. Setting yourself and your organization up for success requires considerable effort and dedication. Done right, it is a very rewarding experience. Done wrong, it is a costly endeavour for both the executive sponsor and the organization. Don’t squander the opportunity to do it right, meet some great people and have some fun along the way!